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言語処理100本ノック 2020 第5章


言語処理100本ノック 2020 - NLP100 2020

関連記事: tag 言語処理100本ノック






class Morph:
    def __init__(self, word):
        self.surface = word['surface']
        self.base = word['base']
        self.pos = word['pos']
        self.pos1 = word['pos1']

src = 'neko.txt.cabocha'

with open(src) as f:
    sentence_list = f.read().split('EOS\n')
sentence_list = [x for x in sentence_list if x != '']

morph_list = []
for sentence in sentence_list:
    words_list = []
    for word in sentence.strip().split('\n'):
        if word[0] == '*':
        (surface, attr) = word.split('\t')
        attr = attr.split(',')
        morph = Morph({
            'surface': surface,
            'base': attr[6],
            'pos': attr[0],
            'pos1': attr[1]

for m in morph_list[2]:



# 041
for chunk in sentence_chunks[7]:
    for morph in chunk.morphs:


# 042
for sentence in sentence_chunks:
    for chunk in sentence:
        if int(chunk.dst) != -1:
                ''.join([m.surface for m in chunk.morphs if m.pos != '記号']) + '\t' +
                ''.join([m.surface for m in sentence[int(chunk.dst)].morphs if m.pos != '記号'])


for sentence in sentence_chunks:
    for chunk in sentence:
        if int(chunk.dst) != -1:
            if '名詞' in [m.pos for m in chunk.morphs] and '動詞' in [m.pos for m in sentence[int(chunk.dst)].morphs]:
                    ''.join([m.surface for m in chunk.morphs if m.pos != '記号']) + '\t' +
                    ''.join([m.surface for m in sentence[int(chunk.dst)].morphs if m.pos != '記号'])


rel = []
# 041 に準じて8文目だけを対象にする
sentence = sentence_chunks[7]
for chunk in sentence:
    if int(chunk.dst) != -1:
        modifier = ''.join([m.surface for m in chunk.morphs if m.pos != '記号'])
        modifiee = ''.join([m.surface for m in sentence[int(chunk.dst)].morphs if m.pos != '記号'])
        rel.append([modifier, modifiee])

g = pydot.graph_from_edges(rel)
g.write_png('044.png', prog='dot')


for sentence in sentence_chunks:
    rel = {}
    for key, chunk in enumerate(sentence):
        morphs = [m for m in chunk.morphs if m.pos == '動詞']
        if len(morphs) > 0:
            predicate = morphs[0].base
            cases = []
            for src in chunk.srcs:
                cases.extend([m.surface for m in sentence[src].morphs if m.pos == '助詞'])
            case = ' '.join(cases)
            if case != '':
                print(predicate + '\t' + case)
$ python3 45.py > 45.txt

# コーパス中で頻出する述語と格パターンの組み合わせ
$ cat 45.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 50
# 「する」「見る」「与える」という動詞の格パターン
$ cat 45.txt | grep '見る' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 50


for sentence in sentence_chunks:
    rel = {}
    for key, chunk in enumerate(sentence):
        morphs = [m for m in chunk.morphs if m.pos == '動詞']
        if len(morphs) > 0:
            predicate = morphs[0].base
            cases = []
            arguments = []
            for src in chunk.srcs:
                if src != key:
                    cases.extend([m.surface for m in sentence[src].morphs if m.pos == '助詞'])
                    arguments.append(''.join([m.surface for m in sentence[src].morphs]))
            case = ' '.join(cases)
            argument = ' '.join(arguments)
            if case != '':
                print(predicate + '\t' + case + '\t' + argument)


for sentence in sentence_chunks:
    rel = {}
    for key, chunk in enumerate(sentence):
        if ('サ変接続' in [m.pos1 for m in chunk.morphs]
            and '' in [m.surface for m in chunk.morphs]
            and key < len(sentence) - 1
            and sentence[key + 1].morphs[0].pos == '動詞'
            # 述語
            predicate = ''.join([m.surface for m in chunk.morphs]) + sentence[key + 1].morphs[0].base
            if len(chunk.srcs) > 0:
                modifiers = [sentence[int(src)].morphs for src in chunk.srcs]
                modifiers_ = [list(filter(lambda x: '助詞' in x.pos, morphs)) for morphs in modifiers]
                modifiers_surfaces = [[morph.surface for morph in morphs] for morphs in modifiers_]
                modifiers_surfaces = list(filter(lambda x: x != [], modifiers_surfaces))
                modifiers_surfaces = [morphs[0] for morphs in modifiers_surfaces]
                # print(modifiers_surfaces)
                modifiers_texts = list(filter(lambda x: '助詞' in [m.pos for m in x], modifiers))
                modifiers_texts = [''.join([m.surface for m in mt]) for mt in modifiers_texts]
                if len(modifiers_texts) > 0:
                    print('\t'.join([predicate, ' '.join(modifiers_surfaces), ' '.join(modifiers_texts)]))
$ python3 47.py > 47.txt
$ cut -f 1 47.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
$ cut -f 1,2 47.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head


for sentence in sentence_chunks:
    for chunk in sentence:
        texts = []
        if len([morph for morph in chunk.morphs if morph.pos == '名詞']) > 0 and chunk.dst != -1:
            current_chunk = chunk
            texts.append(''.join([morph.surface for morph in current_chunk.morphs]))
            next_chunk = sentence[int(current_chunk.dst)]
            while int(current_chunk.dst) != -1:
                texts.append(''.join([morph.surface for morph in next_chunk.morphs]))
                current_chunk = next_chunk
                next_chunk = sentence[next_chunk.dst]
            print(' -> '.join(texts))


def convert(sentence):
    pl, nl = [], [chunk for chunk in sentence if '名詞' in [m.pos for m in chunk.morphs]]
    for i in range(len(nl) - 1):
        st1 = [''.join([m.surface if m.pos != '名詞' else 'X' for m in nl[i].morphs])]
        for e in nl[i + 1:]:
            dst, p = nl[i].dst, []
            st2 = [''.join([m.surface if m.pos != '名詞' else 'Y' for m in e.morphs])]
            while int(dst) != -1 and dst != sentence.index(e):
                dst = sentence[int(dst)].dst
            if len(p) < 1 or p[-1].dst != -1:
                mid = [''.join([m.surface for m in c.morphs if m.pos != '記号']) for c in p]
                pl.append(st1 + mid + ['Y'])
                mid, dst = [], e.dst
                while not sentence[int(dst)] in p:
                    mid.append(''.join([m.surface for m in sentence[int(dst)].morphs if m.pos != '記号']))
                    dst = sentence[int(dst)].dst
                ed = [''.join([m.surface for m in sentence[int(dst)].morphs if m.pos != '記号'])]
                pl.append([st1, st2 + mid, ed])
    return pl

for sentence in sentence_chunks:
    pl = convert(sentence)
    for p in pl:
        if isinstance(p[0], str):
            print(' -> '.join(p))
            print(p[0][0], ' -> '.join(p[1]), p[2][0], sep=' | ')

49 についてはタームが理解できなかったのでほぼ写経。コードから意図を汲み取ることが必要。

Tags: 言語処理100本ノック Python